Zinc is a trace mineral that is important for immune function, wound healing, and growth and development. Low levels of zinc can cause impaired immune function and other health problems.

iollo markers that associate with Zinc


Carnosine, a dipeptide of histidine and beta-alanine, is a zinc-binding molecule. Elevated carnosine may reduce zinc bioavailability and contribute to zinc deficiency. Zinc is required as a cofactor for many enzymes involved in protein and DNA synthesis, immune function, and sensory perception.


Cysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that can bind zinc. High cysteine levels may decrease zinc absorption in the intestines. Zinc deficiency impairs immune function, wound healing, and sensory perception and can cause skin lesions and altered taste and smell.


Histidine is a zinc-binding amino acid. Increased histidine levels may indicate zinc deficiency by sequestering zinc and reducing its bioavailability. Zinc deficiency can lead to skin lesions, impaired wound healing, altered taste and smell, and immune dysfunction.


Methionine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that may interact with zinc absorption and metabolism. Elevated methionine could potentially reduce zinc bioavailability. Zinc is essential for immune function, sensory perception, and as a cofactor for enzymes in protein and DNA synthesis.