Total Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment that is formed when red blood cells break down. High levels of bilirubin may indicate liver disease or certain types of anemia.

iollo markers that associate with Total Bilirubin

Chenodeoxycholic acid

Chenodeoxycholic acid is a primary bile acid that facilitates bilirubin excretion in bile. Bile acid synthesis disorders or biliary obstruction can lead to hyperbilirubinemia.

Cholic Acid

Cholic acid is a primary bile acid that facilitates bilirubin excretion in bile. Disruption of bile acid synthesis or transport can impair bilirubin clearance.

Glycocholic acid

Glycocholic acid is a bile acid conjugate that facilitates bilirubin excretion. Disruption of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids can cause bilirubin to accumulate.


Taurine conjugates with bile acids in the liver to facilitate bilirubin excretion in bile. Impaired taurine conjugation can lead to elevated unconjugated bilirubin.