Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) is a measure of the variation in size of red blood cells. High RDW may indicate certain types of anemia or other blood disorders.

iollo markers that associate with Red Cell Dist Width (RDW)

Glutamic Acid

Glutamic acid is a precursor for the synthesis of glutathione, an important antioxidant that protects red blood cells from oxidative damage. Reduced glutamic acid availability could make RBCs more susceptible to damage and increase size variation.


Low glycine levels may be associated with higher RDW. Glycine is involved in heme biosynthesis, and glycine deficiency could potentially lead to impaired hemoglobin production and greater variation in red blood cell size.


Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with increased RDW, likely due to homocysteine’s negative effects on red blood cell maturation in the bone marrow. High homocysteine can impair folate metabolism which is important for normal RBC development.