Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response. High or low levels of lymphocytes can indicate infection, autoimmune disorders, or other health problems.

iollo markers that associate with Lymphocytes


Alanine is another amino acid that can be used as an energy substrate by lymphocytes. Alterations in alanine availability may impact lymphocyte metabolism.


Arginine is important for lymphocyte proliferation and is metabolized to immune-modulating compounds like nitric oxide. Arginine changes can affect lymphocyte function.


Glutamine is an important fuel source for rapidly dividing lymphocytes and supports lymphocyte proliferation and function. Low glutamine levels may impair lymphocyte activity.


Glycine has anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective properties that may help modulate lymphocyte activation and survival under stress conditions.


Methionine is required for lymphocyte proliferation and its deficiency has been shown to impair lymphocyte responses. Methionine status may influence lymphocyte numbers.


Tryptophan catabolism via the kynurenine pathway in lymphocytes can modulate inflammation and immune function. Changes in tryptophan levels may influence lymphocyte activity.